At Easter 2011 Antony and I took Jasper to the seaside at the Bournemouth.
He enjoyed himself and he loved every minute of it. too the point of soaking everyone who walked past, both Antony and I have never apologised so much in our lives.

Dad, I'm not sure about this!!!???!!

OK I'm wet can we play now?

What deeper? r u sure dad?

Ha I'm wet

Well go on then throw it!

And he's off

Got it!

Again, again!

This is funny, it's a big bath!

Antony and I

Antony has a good throw

Wheres Jasper gone?

Oh here he is

Oh bugger! wheres the ground gone???

Maybe if I keep walking? it'll come back???!!!?!??!

Ha dad says I'm Swimming!

Look everyone I can Swim

See no feet on the seabed (stupid word LOL its not a bed, my bed is nice and dry!)